After our yummy breakfast we packed up once again. Just before we were set to roll out Don noticed that his rear tire was threadbare, worn down to the cord, so he dug down into our bags and found a spare tire. As he worked a couple in their 80s came along and started chatting. They had done this coast ride several years ago and wished they could do it again, but this time they are going by car. After Don finished with the tire we were off, a nice early start--11am. Well, maybe tomorrow we will get an early start.
This day, Sunday, is a glorious, blue, sunny California coast day!! THIS is what I wanted and expected for our September bike ride. The coast road is rolling hills, right along the ocean. The views are gorgeous.
We had an easy ride, stopping in Ft. Bragg for groceries. While I was shopping Don stayed out with the bikes and when I came out of the store he was talking to Brad who is cycli
There was another fellow in the conversation too, with front and back paniers and he had a camp chair too. So now I don't feel my little monopoly game is all that decadent.
We pulled into the Blackberry Inn, Mendocino, around 3pm with about 31 easy miles un
Now we are watching tv, catching up on the political race, and then bed.
30.9mi, 2:53 moving time, 10.7mph average, 2051ft total Ascent.
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