We woke up to a bright, sunny day and got on the road at our typical early start--11:30am. We got busy talking to people in the breakfast room. Don was Mr. Chatty this morning.
We met a fellow who is walking the coast route to Canada. He has a pickup and a motor scooter and he drives up to his destination for the day, then takes the scooter back to his starting point and then does that segment of the walk, goes back to pick up his truck. He lives in Los Altos. He figures it will take him about two years to complete his walk. He is not doing it continuously.

While I was talking to him Don met some nice people who own the Golden Gate Hotel in San Francisco, John & Renate Kenaston Innkeepers. This is a very nice European style hotel. Check it out at http://www.goldengatehotel.com/
Then he met a couple from Hurricane, Utah. The wife grew up in Sunnyvale. They were quite interested in home exchanging, and had lots of questions and Don was full of stories and anecdotes.
We had a nice ride along good road. We see lots of Prius cars in these parts. We had a picnic lunch at one of the nice parks along the way, looking over the coast.
We decided to pull into the Fort Ross Lodge, even though there were several negative comments online. The rooms are actually pretty nice size. We had a view from out patio. The decor needs to be updated, but the price was right--$68.
We went across the street to buy some supplies for dinner. First I looked at the wine. Pretty expensive, even the cheapo wines. Then we started to look at soup, canned tuna, etc. Yikes! The prices were 3 times what I would pay. I picked up a box of Triscuts and dropped it, jumped back and yelped. Don thought there was a mouse in back of the box due to my reaction to the price--$4.99! I shuddered as Don gave up on me and started picking up things for dinner himself. I couldn't even go near the cash register as the clerk rang up the sale. I don't want to know.
We went back across the street and heated up our clam chowder and spaghetti and promised to eat lettuce tomorrow.
We watched the sun sink into the sea as we ate our cookie dough Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Then a little tv and nitey-nite.
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